Aside from our project, we were given these exercises weekly throughout this semester, to recreate icons using either Figma or Illustrator, to be able to train our eyes how icons are constructed.

Week 1-

For the first week, I used Figma to recreate my icons as I was unfamiliar with how to create icons. I chose the ones I thought were going to be easiest, and I found it was harder than I expected.

It took a while to get my head around, what shapes these icons were made up of. Especially, the second icon I recreated it’s mostly curved lines, circle and angled lines. I need to approve on curving lines, as you can see in the second icon the bottom curve is still slightly bent.

I enjoyed the process of figuring out the components of these icons. I’ve learned a lot doing this exercise, and I’m looking forward to using Adobe Illustrator next week.

The above website helped me to understand the basics of how parallelograms are created, curving corners, adding ankles and the corner radius.

Week 2-

I decided to use Illustrator this week, to recreate my icons as I was struggling last week on Figma, to make certain parts of icons. Although, Illustrator was easier to use it was harder to recreate this set of icons, as they’re not as easy to tell what they’re composed of.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 22.07.04.png

For the first few icons, it took my a lot longer to create as I was unfamiliar with the shapes that were used to make them. For the last two, it took me less time as I was starting to understand the process and techniques of how to do this.


Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 22.07.21.png

I really enjoyed the past two master apprentice exercises, and I have learned a lot that will be valuable when creating my own icon set for my music app.

Week 3-

For our next master apprentice exercise, we were asked to recreate one of these screens. I chose the right hand screen, as I think it will be beneficial when designing my own UI screen.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 22.17.21.png