
CV Design-Initial Version

My lecturer suggested a few layout improvements to make, in order to make it easier to read for the employer to scan down the left hand side for headings and right hand side for the information. Also, keeping the contact information left aligned with my name beside it.

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 18.34.25.png

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 18.34.38.png

I agree that this new layout will be more beneficial for employers to find certain information quicker because I had to many heading to the left hand side before, making it harder to read.

CV Design-Refined Version

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 18.43.47.png

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 18.44.06.png

<aside> 💡

After many attempts of moving certain areas around, and aligning headings from the left to the right. I am finally satisfied with this version of my CV design. I might return to make further refinements later if needed.

