

Their talk was very informative and gave me a good insight into what the company is all about. They provide an industry-leading earned wage access platform that gives employees access to their pay when they want it. I really like the concept behind their business.

I found this process they use on their website, it has a really effective design.

I found this process they use on their website, it has a really effective design.

Benefits of DailyPay:

You wouldn’t always have to think about money and having to budget effectively before getting paid at the end of the month.

Screenshot 2024-11-10 at 21.40.09.png

Their illustrations really add to these elements since the colour scheme is quite dull without them.

Process: Understand-Explore-Materialise

Understanding the user is key in any project especially when money is involved in this case.

Collaboration: Zoom & Slack

Collaborating with other team members is really important at DailyPay. The main platforms they use for this is Zoom and Slack. I’d be familiar with both of these from my course and for school during lockdown.

Meetings & Feedback:

There’s regular meeting’s held to discuss anything with your manager and are able to ask questions and get feedback on the work done. I think this is vital for a placement student to be able to develop and learn from mistakes.


Business Simulations-

They provide Business Simulations which are used by teams to learn about key management and leadership topics.

Each Simulation is based on rules and scenarios which were developed with, and tested by, Subject Matter Experts in the relevant area.