
During the Presentation:

We got to listen to our peers presentations, before presenting our own. We were last to present. It was good to get to observe how others presented theirs, and what advice they were given, before presenting ours.

As a group, there was too much content to get through our 10 minutes slot. We were timed and we went 10 minutes overtime. Some of my group struggled to deliver their part of the powerpoint, due to lack of practice or nerves. We never practiced all together, resulting in going overtime.

This was due to lack of communication between each team member, for example certain team members not turning up to class. We never had group meetings outside of class, making it hard to communicate through Whatsapp, as texts were miscommunicated or misread. Also, we never decided on a dedicated slide designer, meaning in varying styles.


I was very nervous before presenting my part of the Powerpoint. During my part, I made sure to make eye contact with the audience, and to only look at the board at certain times. I tried to speak loud, but I found it hard to when the room is so big to fill. I remembered all the information I had practised.

I made sure to keep my points for each design to a minimum, to keep people engaged and interested and not to go over time. I stumbled on words at time, due to being nervous, which made it unclear what I was saying. After, I was relived that it was over, and was mostly happy with how I presented my topic.


My lecturer told me my content was very interesting, to talk about the Furniture Design aspect of the Bauhaus. He said it was good, how I didn’t use many notes, to guide me when presenting my slide. The one piece of advice, he gave me was to project my voice more, so everyone in the room can hear me. I will try my best to do this, during the next presentation, as it’s something I need to work on as I struggle to speak loudly when participating in class discussions also.

Overall Presentation Reflection: